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The waiting and purpose



For God to work through us,

He will have to prepare us.

For Him to prepare us.

we’ll have to let Him!

By surrendering our lives to Him.

A hand gloves, if it don’t have 5 fingers or if it is not in shape, is of no use for us. In the same way…if we are not completely prepared for God in the correct way, God won’t be able to use us. Like the clay in the potter’s hand are we in the hands of our maker. All we have to do is to wait patiently and put our complete trust in Him.

But we always have to make sure that our waiting period won’t go in vain.

“Corresponding to the 40 days that the spies toured the land, God decreed that the Israelite’s would wander in the wilderness for 40 years as a result of their unwillingness to take the land.” Is what some bible scholars says. So if it was just a 40 day’s journey, why Israelite’s had to travel 40 long years? It is simply because of the attitude they had towards God!

There are instances where God made Moses wait at the foot of the mountain before talking to Him with all God’s glory.

Often times God make us wait in our spiritual journey before we reach our destiny that is our calling. Moses heard God’s voice when He was 80 years old. Till then He was being prepared by God for his beautiful purpose of shepherding God’s own people. Waiting for God is beautiful but the greatest tragedy is when you haven’t realized your calling!  You are simply living your spiritual life… and you wonder why God makes you wait for so long. So what you do in your phase of waiting is really very important.

Let me ask you one question. You planned for a tour. You packed your dresses, you organised a travelling plan, you saved money for it, and you are all set but you have no idea where you are going. You didn’t choose the tour spot. How funny will it look in real life?

Then why not in spiritual life? You are a good Christian. You are a believer, you know you have eternal life, you are trying to live as an example of Christ, you are doing everything that is in your control to live a life that pleases God but you are simply living your life without using your spiritual eyes… you don’t know where you are going in your spiritual journey. How futile our lives can be?

God chose you for a reason my brothers and sisters! When He fashioned you and when you were formed in your mother’s womb, He also invested something in you which is so unique and that is your identity. In olden days when a child is born into a royal family, he/she is destined to be the king/queen of that age. If the child is born to a warrior then He or she can become the warrior. In the same way when you become a new creation in Christ there is also a purpose which is unique about you which you have to conquer. I always say this to my fellow believers… you live on this earth and die as a normal person, what difference does that make from non-believers and you? Each person who is born into this world is born for a reason but not everyone realize it.

A person can have multiple calling or a single calling. You being a father or mother is a calling! You being a teacher or businessperson is also a calling. Whatever it is…if you don’t do it without realization of God’s purpose in it…it might go in vain!

Sometimes God make you wait because you still haven’t realized what your calling is… you received so many prophecies, you are doing everything faithfully but still God makes you wait… if you don’t know where you are going, will you be able to start your journey? Absolutely not!

So the first and foremost thing you have to do in your spiritual journey is to find out your calling. For that you will have to spend your valuable time with God! Ask Him about it persistently until God reveals it to you with all His might. God might reveal it to you through dreams, visions or even directly… all you have to do is to listen, to listen with a willing heart.

So when you know where you are going you start planning the route and direction to your destiny right?

In the same way when you know what God has called you to become, you can ask Holy Spirit to help you choose the road map to your destiny!

It all depends on you… when you climb a stair which have 30 steps… you can either run to your destiny or walk.

Imagine if you are carrying something, will you be able to climb your stairs as fast as a free handed person? No.

So the third thing you have to find out is what is slowing you down.

What are the things that slow you down from reaching your destiny?

It can be your guilt, unforgiveness, depression, agony, pain, sorrows ….it can be anything. It can even be a person!

Your duty is to find out what exactly is wearing you down so you can accelerate your journey to your destiny.

And the enemy is so crocked… He never wants you to reach there where God wants you to reach there…so He brings out a lot of obstacles. Sometimes those obstacles can look so sweet that you are not willing to flee away from those obstacles. Be of right mind! Analyse everything that’s happening around and move forward. Be sober and vigilant because the enemy walks around like a roaring lion.

For us to reach our calling or destiny it takes time! Only the right vessel can carry water without leaking it in the same way… only if we are made with quality we can do God’s work with quality. Quality and time works hand in hand, so we know the most beautiful things takes time.

Today I want you to sit down in the presence of God and pray. I want you to have a willing heart to listen.

And I want you to pray persistently until God reveals it to you.

Remember! Purpose driven life is important.



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