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Christian Blogsite

Manna before Breakfast

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

– Jeremiah 29:11

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Dr. Jay Worth Allen

Anxiety. Worry. I must confess, is my besetting sin.

Caleb Kwahar

We can all endure truth as long as it remains in the realm of generalities. But we dare not have the stomach to stand it once it gets personal and specific. I kid you not, not a single son of Adam or daughter of Eve loves the truth.

Dr. Jay Worth Allen

This condition we find ourselves in is totally abnormal.

Dr. Jay Worth Allen

In simple terms, WE ARE THE GOLD – we the people, our lives and our capacity to labor, produce and create through time is the “commodity” that is what truly backs ALL MONEY. They need us.


Binny Babu

I once stumbled upon a story in a Christian monthly magazine which touched my heart instantly and during this global pandemic of Covid 19 I remembered it many times and thought of writing it down here so that others can also feel what I felt.

Binny Babu

The pain and the sufferings we all go through in our lives, even though is hard to cope with, is a blessing that if we never had, we would have been to the wrong path in life.

Nileena Anna Varghese

Reuel said to Bella. “Satan could only steal away your body…he couldn’t touch your soul! What stops you Bella?”

Nileena Anna Varghese

This is a very inspiring story I heard from Priscilla Shirer in one of her preaching. It touched me, it'll touch you too!


Binny Babu

Founder & CEO

I am a Digital Marketing Expert and the owner of Digitality, a Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai, India. I am a born-again Christian and also connected with many churches across Mumbai and Kerala.

Born to a Hindu father and a Christian mother, I grew up understanding both the cultures simultaneously. It made me realise and understand the way, know the truth and therefore could choose life.

I have been an active member of the Christian youth community in Mumbai, working alongside people from different backgrounds and denominations. I have also volunteered many Christian events.

The idea behind this blogging website is to bring all the Christians together irrespective of their denominations they are in. With this God-given skills, I wish to glorify His name across nations and inspire all my fellow members in Christ to write their spiritual experiences, journeys and testimonies that, I believe, can change the life of many in their times of distress and brokenness.


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“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

– 1 Thessalonians 5:11