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The Promise Forever!



You might find this dream a little funny when you first read it, but trust me the moral is so touching!!!

There was this female cute little tortoise who was sitting on a rock crying in pain, because she was being highly tormented by few dogs. The dogs were biting her and she was whimpering with pain. Watching this cutie being tormented there came another tortoise walking towards her without any fear of being attacked. She looked at him with utmost surprise. She wondered about his confidence and courage even in front of those deadly dogs. He just shrugged and asked her a question. “Why do you let them hurt you?” Being surprised could be an understatement for her as she looked at him blankly. He continued speaking…”my friend, aren’t you aware of what you have. You have your own shell to protect you from anything that comes in your way. Instead of being tortured by them why don’t you go inside your shell?” Then he himself started going inside the shell trying to remind her in case she forgot and he said “look at me… I have grown fat yet I fit perfectly inside my shell. Same goes for you…! Come on. Go inside and save yourself”.


Yes!! This was my dream. You might wonder what it really means…

Well, let me explain it to you. Often times we forget about our hiding place when troubles hit us with its full force. Enemy often plays tricks on us so that we will never remember what we really have when we are busy in drowning our-self in the pool of pain. We have God’s presence to always run to…! How long it’s been since you last visited God and experienced the fullness of His presence in the spirit realm. Let me share you a secret! Enemy can’t do anything to us if we are dwelling in the presence of God. Come on… what does psalm 91 says? He who dwells in the secret place of the most high…. yeeeesss..! And to a person like that; nothing is going to touch him.

Coming to the dream… the dogs were the enemy’s attacks and the shell was God’s presence…no matter what you have been through, you can always run back to God’s presence. He will never ever push you away!! You already have it within yourself and all you have to do is to unleash that and let out the real you. Don’t let the world distract you and make you forget the way back to God.

Seek and you shall find!!

God bless you all…





4 thoughts on “The Promise Forever!”

  1. Wow, that’s a cute short story that touches upon Psalms 91. Praise the Lord ! Thank for sharing such a wonderful message. Surely will share this story with my daughter.

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