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Precious Gem



Hello my sisters and brothers in Christ!

Have you ever been through any kind of insecurities before? Do you know your worth? Have you felt rejection? Have you encountered the fear of losing someone? Then…this is for you!

My sweet Jesus gave me this story few years back when I was mentally down. So I would like to share it with you. Hope you would be encouraged.


This story is about a beautiful, elegant gem stone which was redeemed by a gem keeper. He placed it in a special place in his shop. People usually come and buy different types of gems from there. But she was the only gem which was not taken by anyone for so long. As the time passed by she kept watching people coming to the shop… some gems where taken too easily. Some of them where returned back in shattered form. The shop keeper used to reform it into new forms. But she was the one who was always kept ignored. People used to come near her, they smile at her, they praise her beauty, but then suddenly they used to leave. So the other gems started mocking her. “Now you see… The person who is coming next will take me, not you.”    Without saying a word she hopes in her heart that this person might take her. And they do give hope to her, but all of a sudden they select the other one. She started to question the shop keeper. “Why did u bring me here? Take me back to the place from where you took me. It was better than this. ‘Cause here I feel lonely. No one stays with me. No one understands me. I kept trusting you and I kept waiting soo patiently. But see! I am left alone here. You didn’t even let me stay with those gems so that I would be taken by someone. But here I am! Broken again.” After listening to her long speech the shop keeper replied her with a kind smile. “My dear, do you know who you are? All these years you forgot to look at yourself because you were busy in comparing yourself with others! Your cost is far above all the gems in this shop. Even before you were bought here I planned everything about you. Stop listening to others and be the one who I made you to be. It might take a bit long. But it’s worth the wait!” she was inspired by the words she heard from him. She continued to be strong and found her peace from her keeper.


But one fine day, there came a man to the shop. He smiled at her with eyes full of affection. For the first time she encountered a faith within her, she believed that she was destined for him. Both of them walked towards her. And then the shop keeper placed her into his hands. Because all these years this man took all the pain to earn enough money just to take her with him!


Amazing right! Others couldn’t take her because she was more costly than the rest of the gems in the whole shop. So if you feel ignored by people around you! Just smile at them and tell them I know who I am. You don’t have to tell me that! Everyone can afford a cheap thing. But only a rich person can afford a costly thing. Am not comparing you with money or lifeless things. But am just helping you to realize who you really are! Your worth is far above diamonds. IT’S WORTH THE CROSS!!


Thank you



2 thoughts on “Precious Gem”

  1. Amen!! We are priceless and to demonstrate that Christ paid the price of our eternity by shed his blood and dying upon that cross!! We need to understand what we are worth. God knows it and we should too!!

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