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What is stopping you?



Once upon a time, there was a girl named Isabella who loved God and was extremely passionate about doing something for God so she could earn her heavenly Father’s beautiful smile. Being a young girl, she did her best in her church, in her locality, in her college, in her hostel… and everywhere else.

She always wanted to serve God and that was her passion. She would always go to the orphanages, old age homes to shower her love towards them. She was very kind and a loving girl.

One day as she was on her way to college is when she met with a terrible accident. She was lying helpless in the ground as people started gathering around her. They started pitying her about her helplessness but no one stretched a helping hand to her. All she could see was blood all around her…. As she realized her life draining out of her…all she felt was her spirit being lifted up from her body to meet her creator face to face.

That’s when she suddenly felt a gentle touch on her shoulder. Even though she was totally numb, she could feel the kindness and love in that touch as she was being carried.

It was Reuel…!

Reuel being a classy business man lived his life with purpose and purity towards God. He had a strong passion for God and he honored God in his business. It was his work time and as he was traveling to his office… he saw some crowd gathering in the middle of the road. Even though he was late that day, he couldn’t resist the urge to go check what’s happening there. As he reached the place, he saw this little girl lying there helplessly and no one was making a move to bring her to hospital. Without a second thought he ran to the girl and wrapped her in His arm and rushed towards his car to take her to the closest hospital.

As they reached the hospital, the doctors monitored Bella carefully and came up with a conclusion that she has got her spinal cords damaged which won’t let her move around or walk for the rest of her lifetime. All she could now do is to talk and lie down in bed helplessly and be under the medication as long as doctors say. For some unknown reasons this broke Reuel’s heart. Reuel knew this girl… she is a worship leader and passionate girl.

Bella opened her eyes, the tragic memory of the accident suddenly came up to her mind… she wanted to jump out of the bed, and go out rushing towards the door… but nothing happened. All she could do was to scream and cry about everything that’s clouding her memory and the confusion of her state. Suddenly she again felt this gentle touch (which now gave her the reassurance) on her shoulders, she gazed upon a person standing behind her bed… She saw him…

Then…it was days of continuous counselling and motivation. Reuel said to Bella. “Satan could only steal away your body…he couldn’t touch your soul! What stops you Bella?”


That made a huge impact on Bella’s life…. She started praying… she started praying for the lost souls in her sick bed. She started talking about her insights. She asked Reuel to write down what God revealed to her in coloured papers. And Reuel would go to the streets to distribute those papers to random people. Reuel would come back and tell Bella about the prayer requests he heard as a response from the people. Later they started praying together.

Reuel once told Bella a story… “There was a woman who was bedridden because of her old age but she would never give up on her ministry so she started praying for everyone in her bed. Then when she completed her good fight on earth, the Abba Father called her back. There in heaven she was greeted with a huge number of people with roses and gladness. The lady got confused of the pleasant sight and that’s when God told her “These are the souls you’ve saved with your never-ending prayers”.

Every word Reuel spoke inspired Bella to live with a purpose… to do her best in her helpless state…..and guess what…the enemy failed in his efforts to destroy Bella….And she proved her faithfulness to God like Job did in the Bible.  One day she started moving…. Every single cell in her body was back in action.

She got healed completely…


Nothing stopped Bella to inspire people…to pursue her purpose… there were days when Bella felt like all her efforts were being wasted… there were days when Bella got disappointed. But she never gave up. She kept fighting…she kept glorifying God.


Now let me ask you one question!! What stops you??





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