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Once upon a time there was a Biblical theology professor in England named Orr who took his theology students for an excursion or a field trip to some historical places which was significant in those days. One of the places they visited was the home, the living place the study place of one of the great reformers of the church named John Wesley. He was such a man of God who prayed, preached and ministered for the revival of not only England but also throughout the world. Those prayers bought a lot of people to Christ in an unusual way that even today when we look back we can see how powerful God’s presence was in those days. So these theological students stepped into the house. They moved around the house, first into the kitchen, then the living room and then the bed room where John Wesley’s bible notes, books and everything was still present. As they moved around the small bedroom watching the old books and places where Wesley moved around, one of the student noticed 2 patches in the carpet beside the bed. As the student enquired about this to the professor, He said that it is the place where John Wesley knelt and prayed. Prayed for hours for the great revival God did through Him.

They all stood at the room for few minutes in silence and then left and returned to their bus to move onto their next spot. As the professor was counting the students before leaving the spot, he noticed that one of his student was missing. He went into the house, checked the kitchen, the living room and he didn’t find him. Finally professor walked into the bedroom to see a boy kneeling down in the same spot where those patches were and he heard the boy praying “Lord… do it again Lord, do it again through me.” Professor walked towards him, tapped on his shoulders and said “boy it’s time to go”.

And that day Billy Graham walked out of the room with His professor.

And guess what…! God did that again!!


So today what about you..? Are you willing to pray and ask God to do it again through you and me? Our world needs a new revival!



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