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What is Anti-Semitism?



What is Anti-Semitism?

The average person would most likely answer, “Well, it’s hatred of Jews.” But, if there is Anti- Semitism, then there must be Pro-Semitism. Right? So what is Pro-Semitism? Does that exist? Apparently not—according to Merriam-Webster. So what exactly is Semitism? What is a Semite? Is there a race of Semites? No there is not—according to Merriam-Webster. There is no race of people called Semites. The precise definition of the term—according to Merriam-Webster—is: “Semites are people who speak the Semite language.” So who speaks the Semite language? Arab, Palestinian, Hebrew, Mongolian, etc. Everyone from the Middle-Eastern part of the world speaks the Semite language. They are all Semites. There are approximately 30+ Semitic languages in the Middle-East. So if I’m called anti-semitic, does that mean that I hate anyone who speak a Semitic language? Do I hate the Assyrians of Iraq, northeastern Syrians, those of southeastern Turkey, and northwest Iranians, or those of the diaspora communities in Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and southern Russia who still speak Aramaic, the language of the Lord Jesus Himself? A rhetorical question, indeed.

So what is Anti-Semitism? Anti-Semitism is nothing more than a propaganda term created to confuse people. To create problems between one person against another. One nation against another. To create public unrest, disorder, and war. There is no such thing as a Semitic race, only Semitic languages. So there is no such thing as Anti-Semitism—unless one hates every person, who happens to speak a Semitic language in the whole Middle-East.

I wrote all that to say, “I do not use the term for the simple reason that the term does not exist.” It’s fake. A sham, a fraud, a hoax, worthless, man-made. But, to be fair, I’ll start using the term if someone can show me a Semite. I’d love to meet one. So far no one has, nor can produce one, because they do not exist! So next time someone uses the term, Anti-Semitism, challenge them on it . . . and they’ll shut up. Because they know you’ve figured out their ruse.

© Dr. Jay & Miss Diana Ministries, Inc. USA, UK



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