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When we think of our ancient ancestors and their method of communication, the dove plays a vital role. But the most interesting aspect of this kind of communication is between lovers!!

And now with your approval, let’s dive into an old story in Bible…Noah’s Ark! Well, we all know the story of God’s amazing architecture. But what I found is much more interesting. There is a secret love story!!! it’s not even explained in Bible. But one fine day which Jesus planned long back, He explained this story to me which made me stand in Awe! And I’ve added some of my imagination too! Are you ready to listen?? Can Holy Spirit see your beautiful smile??

Oh yes! Let’s dive in 😉

When Noah had to send a bird to check the weather he thought of shalom, the female dove! (I named her) He sends her 2 times and each time she returned…at first she came empty-handed and the second time she brought an olive leaf. She faithfully worked for her master, but each time she left she had to leave her partner behind; because she was the chosen one.

One day, the third time Shalom kissed goodbye to her partner. Even when it broke his heart to leave his partner afar, he allowed her. Because their priority was their master. Even when he felt traumatic he smiled at her… made her believe that he is fine and walked away. She eventually left the ark… when she left the ark she also left their communion, their happiness, and their peaceful conversations. She got exposed to the outside world.

And she loved it. Now she got the freedom to fly wherever she wants … She always kept a constant relationship with her master but also got engaged with the fresh environment. With her new experience, she didn’t have time to think about her old life in the ark or the community she left behind.

But there was her partner who lived in her memory. He felt hopeless because she never returned. Her companionship was always a blessing to him. Each moment of their separation made him love her more. He found beauty in everything she was. Deep down inside him, he always knew that she is and will always be the only one in his life. Through his lonely walks, he kept on having his companionship with his master. He always tried to keep himself around his master. He always believed that one day she will recognize his true love and return to him. Because he always tried to give her the freedom to choose… because he knew that when it comes to love, we cannot force anyone. The only thing we can do is to love them unconditionally even when it hurts. He never stopped talking about her to his master. He always prayed for her happiness, protection, health, and everything he can think of. Because he always wanted to see her smiling and to be as dynamic as she is. He always missed their conversations… the way they say shalom to each other. He always tried to give her the best… to see her picture-perfect smile!
And now the time came when Noah had to release all the animals one by one from the ark. He released this dove too… he felt very lonely and depressed. But he believed in his master’s God! That He the God almighty will never give up on him. He saw Noah giving the thank-offering to the Lord and also saw the rainbow which God showed as a promise to the whole earth that He will never destroy the land in the same way. He summoned his thoughts. “Why should I wait and waste my energy and happiness for someone who doesn’t wish to stay with me? If she can easily forget how deep my love is for her and can live without thinking about me… why should I get devastated by these thoughts. She never even tried to come back to me or to say some soothing words to cool my mind. Then why should I?”
But, even after his self-counseling, he longed to see her again. He yearned to know about her well-being. But he stopped himself. With deep pain he tried to forget her…but he couldn’t.

By this time she started to feel the sensation of loneliness. She saw all the animals enjoying their life with their ordained partners… And now after such a long time, she started to appreciate her partner’s presence. She earned many friends and so many things….but something made her think about him 24*7! The moment she realized her love for her beloved… She ran in search of him but she didn’t find him anywhere. She started to regret everything that happened.

But the Lord God was watching them from heaven and was planning their love story. Yes, He does care for all his creations. He sustains life!

In the predetermined beautiful moment… they met each other!

Then what happened!??? Well, let’s leave that to them.

Did you enjoy reading my story???
Now all the doves which we see around us are their descendants. How wonderful it is to know that God cares for every single creature on this earth. So what about His pinnacle creation? You and I are so much special to God! That’s why when God saw the sinful nature of mankind He came down as a living sacrifice! For it is written in Romans 5:7 and 8 that “Now most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for an especially good person. But God demonstrated His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” You are worth more than just a rose or something which fades away … You are worth the life of Christ Himself!

Each one of us might have walked through a situation like this. Knowingly or unknowingly you might have encountered people who suffer the same emotional trauma. Loneliness is the most unbearable thing in this world. And Jesus understands your situation. That is the reason behind His words in genesis 2:18 which says it’s not good for a man to be alone. Yes the God who fashioned our hearts exactly knows how it feels. I always believe that the most beautiful thing takes time. But waiting for it is very hard. But there comes the good news! God will never leave us alone. From the moment we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior we have become His own…and now He will never leave us alone.

And also He has sent His Spirit to dwell among us!

So what do we have to worry about? We all read and have heard about the beautiful relationship which we can have with God. But how many of us exercise it? In Romans 5:11, it says “so now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.” Yes!! He calls us friends. Being single is also wonderful.

Whether you are single or committed, be thankful to God! Because there is something God is planning!!


Thank You!!



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