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Secular Songs in Christian Worship




Recently a known Worship Leader from Mumbai have come up with a new style of worship by claiming that some Hindi secular songs are inspiring and helps in connecting him with God spiritually. This has grabbed a lot of attention lately and has led to a difference in opinion in the Christian Community. Some Worship Leaders have also come up in support on this whereas the others are criticizing the same. This war of words is so intense that this has become a trending topic in social medias.

I had a talk with some of my Christian fellow brothers about it recently and realised that it’s not right to discuss this openly in social medias. However, this difference in opinion affected the piety of the Christian Worship and will continue to affect if we do not understand what does bible has to say about it.

1. Worship is a Sacrifice

“Those who sacrifice thank offerings honour me, and to the blameless I will show my salvation.”          – Hebrew 13:15 (NIV)

We all know that we worship God as a thanksgiving sacrifice and praise & glorify His Majesty for all the things he has done for us. If we sing to him a song which is already been sung by people for others, aren’t we offering a second-hand sacrifice? If so, do you think God is going to accept the offering? Remember the story of Cain and Abel? If God rejected Cain’s offering, do you think your second-hand offering will be accepted?

2. Sing unto the Lord a New Song

“Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.”      – Psalms 96:1 (NIV)

The Bible clearly states to sing a new song to the Lord. A new song dedicated to the Lord and to the Lord alone.  Would you like it if your most beloved person sings a song claiming it to be exclusively for you and then sing the same song for others too?? How much more hurtful it is to the God Almighty than it is to you? And do keep in mind, Our God is a Jealous God.

3. Duty of Worshipers

“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”      – Colossians 3:16 (NIV)

As Worshipers, it is very important that the service that you do for Christ is correctly done. Paul asks us to impart wisdom in one another with psalms, hymns and songs that comes through spirit. So, I wonder, listening or singing a secular song could ever give us any spiritual wisdom. Let me get this straight, if you listen to any secular song, what appears in your mind first? Is it God? Or is it the video of that song? So, can you sing such secular songs in Spirit?

4. Connecting with God

“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”              – John 4:24 (NIV)

Yes!! We worshipers need to worship the God Almighty in Spirit and in Truth. The above point supports the spirit part, lets therefore look into the truth part. Do you ever notice the lyrics of the secular songs? Those lyrics are more of an imagination than the truth. These songs are nowhere near Truth. Most of it just talks about physical love & lust and the moon and the stars which makes no sense. No word of God, no truth, it’s all about the addictive music of Lucifer, the liar, the manipulator to which we get attracted to. Singer Joan Armatrading in her song “Secular Songs” says:

“They’re singing secular songs in the churches

And there’s not a of word of God

It’s all Schubert and Beethoven

Oh, and lots of French love songs”

The last point is specifically for the Worship Leaders and why they should not promote Secular Songs.

5. Ministers of God

“At that time the Lord set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the ark of the covenant of the Lord, to stand before the Lord to minister and to pronounce blessings in his name, as they still do today. That is why the Levites have no share or inheritance among their fellow Israelites; the Lord is their inheritance, as the Lord your God told them.)”           – Deuteronomy 10: 8, 9 (NIV)

God chose the clan of Levites as the Ministers of God and therefore, they had certain rules and regulations. Levites were separated from the other tribes of Israel and had to follow special instructions other than the general instructions given to Israel. They were given no share as inheritance because God was their inheritance. Ministers of God should not compare themselves with ordinary people. So, if you choose to minister in the service of God which includes Church Shepherd, Worship Leader, Church Musicians, Church Administrators, etc., you automatically choose to follow the rules. The choice is absolutely yours!! You cannot make lame excuses or arguments like Christian civil engineers can only build Churches; or Christian Doctors can only treat Christian patients.


All the above point in support with the biblical verses states that Secular Songs should not be allowed in churches and therefore I have chosen my side. Now, it’s up to you to decide whether to bring secular songs in your church/your place of worship or not. Will you go with the Bible or with your favourite Worship Leaders? Whatever you choose, I suggest you to critically analyse the word of God and pray before you decide. May the Lord speak to you and help you choose the right side.

I would also ask you to please keep your leaders in prayer as they need all your prayer support to keep up with the service of God without getting misled in times of temptations along with fame and popularity.



2 thoughts on “Secular Songs in Christian Worship”

    1. Thanks brother!! Every Christian should at least understand these basics to live a better life. Worship is not a child’s play and we should take it seriously. God bless you!

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