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Four days late but still on time



A life in this world is not at all easy… often times we face uncertainties, pain, grief and agony. When our Lord Jesus brought heavens down as it is in heaven we still feel like we are living in hell. From so many years we’ve been praying… from so many years we’ve been hoping…we keep pressing on… we keep holding on. And there comes a moment when we feel like giving up. The moment we feel like there is no strength left in us to move forward… the moment when hopelessness comes face to face with us with a smirk on its face… there is nothing else we could do…we did our best…

This is how Mary and Martha felt when their beloved brother, one and only male in their family …their provider got sick!! If we look closer into that incident in Bible…we can see that this family of Lazarus was the closest friends of Jesus. Jesus often came to their home … they provided Him with food …Jesus shared the word of God with them, this Mary is the one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped His feet with her hair(John 11:2). In scriptures we can also see that Jesus loved this family. They shared such a wonderful bond. Yet when the news came to Jesus about Lazarus’s condition…He stayed still! He didn’t go…he didn’t respond. He continued doing what He was doing…!

Also in the same scripture we can see what Jesus said in verse 4 of John 11 “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”

Sometimes when we look into our own lives we can see the same situation happening. We heard the word from God that He will heal us or His healing which He has given us on the cross will manifest in us soon. But all we can see in our life is medicines, pain, transplantation, surgery…. even death of our loved ones or our own body parts. What we do not see is His word…healing… the resurrection. This is the moment when we question ourselves, we question our own faith and when the condemnation by others sets in!! We get confused…we don’t understand…we feel like giving up. That is exactly what happened with Mary and Martha… they believed that their Lord will heal him but what they see in front of them is death…and now it’s been 4 days. There is no hope left with them. I have heard about this faith system of Jews that until 3 or 4 days of a person’s death the soul of the dead person will be around his body but after 4 days the soul will completely leave his body. Here it’s been 4 days and there is no hope left with them. Maybe like our present situation…but that’s when Jesus walked in!! Martha ran to Him and said “Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died” and as we read forward we can see that Jesus wept. Yes, He understands us in ever situations… and we all know what happened later…Jesus called out to Lazarus and Lazarus came back to life.

Yes my friend…there is still hope when we feel like all our hope is gone. He is the light in our darkness. What is impossible with men is possible with God. Let us not give up…he works through ways we can never ever imagine about. He is indeed a miracle worker.

I would recommend you to listen this beautiful song by Karen Peck & New River “Four days late”



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