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    There is a kind of character that scriptures warn the believer to be wary of and to avoid: it is that which seeks to ascribe ulterior motives to the actions of others. It is too lofty for anyone to think himself so all-seeing that he knows why people do what they do. It is an overestimation of oneself. It is pride. It is wisdom to acknowledge that we are limited in knowledge and insight, and thus behave according to our acknowledgement. Paul admonished the church in Corinth to judge nothing before the time, because it is God who knows motives and who will reveal and judge it on the last day.
    That said.
    We must never be quick to assume that when an individual who has experienced a miracle gives a testimony, he is doing it for clout, attention, or making a mockery of others. We must never be quick to assume so. To cast dark aspersions on an activity done to glorify God, and with which God is pleased, is in itself dishonor to God. Both the heart and the act of thanksgiving is well pleasing to God. Proofs abound in scriptures concerning this.
    Now, supposing a believer was supposed to board a vehicle, and by the leading of God’s Spirit, refused to enter, and unfortunately, it got involved in an accident with attendant loss of lives, there are some who expect that such a man should keep his testimony between himself and God. They suppose that saying…”God saved me from the death by that leading”, means he is saying, God refused to save the others. Now, the issue isn’t with what he shared as a testimony, it is with what we are hearing.
    He hasn’t held those who died responsible for their death. Neither has he said anything about God abandoning them to die. He is simply thanking God for his preservation. If we are hearing right, we ought to thank God with him that he is preserved, and then learn to yield to God’s Spirit in our own daily walk too. That’s not gloating. And that’s not mockery. He hasn’t said he is better than the rest. He is simply thanking God!
    If someone applies for a job alongside hundreds or even thousands, and he gets a job, why should we bully him into silence and tell him not to raise his voice and speak of what the Lord has done for him? We don’t know what it means to him. We have no idea what he has been through, and how much he really did trust God for it. But because we think that speaking of what the Lord has done would make the one who wasn’t called back after the interview to think God is partial, we start berating him for sharing that testimony. Truth is, it is the other person we need to talk to. People’s testimonies should excite you. It is to enforce the consciousness of the power of God on your mind. It is to remind you that despite your experience, miracles still happen!
    Here’s the thing: if we tell those who have experienced the intervening power of God to keep quiet because we don’t want those with unpleasant experiences to feel bad, we are subtly shutting down the workings of God’s power amongst his people. Any pastor who ministers the power of God will tell you the ripple effects that sharing testimonies have on the faith of men in the power of God. When you want to get someone healed, you share experiences of men who have experienced the power of God and got healed. You are stirring the waters of faith in that fellow. The more people hear of what God’s power does, if they are rightly taught, the more their confidence in God’s power ought to grow!
    So, even if Mr. A lost someone in an accident yesterday, and Mr. B got delivered from an accident same day, or even in the same bus, Mr. A ought to hear Mr. B’s testimony and say…Yes, I believe that the power of God yet preserves from accidents. It should strengthen his faith. If Sister Banke and Sister Bola both applied for the same job, and Sister Bola was chosen, Sister Banke should hear Sister Bola’s testimony and say…Yes, I believe that God still does miracles and He will do mine too.
    We must fix how we hear testimonies.
    When that woman with the issue of blood who touched the helm of Christ’s garment got healed, the ripple effect of that act was seen. Many sick also came to touch the garment of Jesus. They were all healed. Our God is for one, and He is for all! Praise His Holy Name forever.
    So, let people share their testimonies in peace.
    Let them be glad and rejoice. Let them give thanks.
    Let all of us rejoice with them and let us all be inspired to believe in the power of God even much more. Our own experiences shouldn’t make our ears sore when others speak of their experiences in the power of God.
    It is the same God. Doing the same mighty things in our midst.
    For one, and for all.
    Again and again.
    Today, tomorrow, and till our Lord returns.
    With endless workings of God’s mighty power
    in manifold divine interventions
    even for YOU.



  1. Wow brother Clement! This was so enlightening.. We should never ever cease to present testimonies. I remember the verse “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good” by King David and it is from his desire; so that even others can have the same experience like he had!!

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